Friday, June 28, 2024

Forward Day Two

Forward Day Two started out earlier, and that was just fine.  Maddie joined up with Mia and the Braselton campus this morning, sitting with them for the first session.  And that was really great.  The Tribe games, the dating games, the worship and the message - things are going well here at Forward.  Here's a few pictures Maddie took with her cell phone before and during service.

I was in there early, and also backstage a good bit.  I snapped a few random pictures here of the arena.

And here's one after service:

Maddie also went to an information session about Free Chapel College, and she did that with her own initiative.  She sat in and gathered a good bit of information, seated upstairs with plenty of others upstairs at the arena.  She was even in the photo posted online, sitting in and listening to the presentation about daily schedules and what to expect at Free Chapel College - you can see her to the right.

And then after that... it was time to eat!


Afterwards, we went over to Sugarloaf Mills, and there we were waiting around in the luxury of air conditioning.  We met up with Kaylee, and that's when we got some food.  Maddie had wings, and I got some more shawarma, which was amazingly spicy.  Kaylee got some Popeye's, and we also had a few of her fries as well.  We walked around a good bit, and the girls had their time together so I could meet up with them later.  But one mandatory thing I insisted on us doing:  the shooting gallery at Bass Pro.  We dropped by to say hello to the fish, and the two girls went by the LEGO store, amongst some other places.

Fun!  And after a good bit, we went back to the Conference.  And it was hot outside.  Really hot.  No rain today, but we got there, and I got in without any trouble, thanks to a "go wherever I want to pass" that I acquired earlier.  Maddie and Kaylee sat with their Tribe "Icon" and got ready for another great night at Forward.  

It was a huge service, and of course Pastor Franklin was the speaker on Friday.  Everything went very well.  I was blessed with a new shirt from the team, a long-sleeved shirt that copied the design of the Atlanta Olympics in '96.  Maddie's been getting merchandise too, including a new John 3:16 sweatshirt, plus at the mall today a new plush Stitch.

After service, we were all quite tired.  Maddie and Kaylee hopped in the car, and we drove back to Edge to wait for her parents to pick her up, and then Maddie and I got home before midnight.  We were ready for prayers, a good night's rest, and ready to do it all over again tomorrow for the last day of Forward. 

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