Monday, June 24, 2024

Wings and Things

We started out this day at the chiropractor, and that was nice.  

Or, at least as nice as Maddie can be when she finds the mini etch-a-sketch in the family room!  We all needed an adjustment, and it was good to see Doc Williams again.  Everyone was sharing their stories, including Maddie's adventure at the tournament.  It was a fairly quick process, so after that, we went over to the library.  Why were we there?  To get Maddie registered to vote!  Yes, she's old enough to do that in this upcoming election, so we picke up the forms for that, something we'll fill out later and submit. 

After the library, we grabbed a bite to eat just up the road at a wings place.  Maddie enjoyed the spicy wings, although we all agreed that we'll be on the lookout to try other places that serve wings too.  Still, it was a good time overall.  This despite the super loud hair band music from the 80's.  We're not talking that mainstream stuff either.  Despite that, it was still fun to get out and eat wings.  

Speaking of hot stuff, it was super hot again today.  This miserable heat dome is ready to move on, but it's saved the best for last the next few days. We're suffering under all this heat - it's been intense.  We got home and we cleaned up some, and Maddie got ready for taekwondo, which was good tonight.  It's the long night, so she had a great time with all the others.

Certainly a lot of laughing!  No sparring yet, but she'll be doing that soon enough.  In the meantime, there was plenty to do.  We got home late, and after a few rounds of "Tropical Freeze," we watched another episode of "The Chosen."  I was also watching "The Muppets Mayhem," which is still a wonderful show to me.  I love the Electric Mayhem - call me a "Mayhead."  Fer sure!

A-hem.  Moving on, it was time to get some rest.  Tomorrow we'll start writing again, and we'll do some coffee shops this week too.  And at the end of the week... Forward!  It's going to be a great week, so after some reading tonight, and prayers, it was time to tuck the Plush Entourage in and get some sleep!


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