Sunday, May 26, 2024

Lilo & Stitch

 Lilo & Stitch were here at "KidPak Adventures:  Hang 10" this morning, which you can see above.  Stitch was misbehaving somewhat.  Okay, a lot, as evidenced by the squirt gun.  He interrupted hula dance lessons, and then later on the surf instructor's class as well. 

He even uttered the horrifying phrase on stage, "Meega Nala Kweesta!"  Yes, in front of everyone!  Clearly, he has some badness level issues to work through, and that was part of our skit this morning.  Stitch is from a movie that features a good bit of surfing, so it only made sense to include it in our "Hang 10" series.  Plus, it went well with this morning's bottom line, "We are Family."  It's basically Ohana, which of course means family, and when you think that word, generally you think of Lilo & Stitch.  Mom thought this idea up while we were driving up to Tennessee, and I thought it was a good one.  We had the costumes, so why not?

Anyway, it was fun.  The kids liked it, and plus there was Nerdo with the squirt gun as usual.  It was a solid morning at Kidpak.

The rest of the day wasn't too much.  We had a rotisserie chicken, and a nice meal for lunch.  Afterwards, a bit of exercise on the treadmill.  Maddie was shown the ropes on the treadmill, and might actually start using it soon enough.  We played some "Tropical Freeze," and we were listening to a few vinyl records today from "Lilo & Stitch" as well as "Teen Beach Movie."  

Tonight's programming was "Monk," a marathon of sorts with three episodes in a row, just barreling through season seven now.  Afterwards, we were reading from another short story "From a Certain Point of View," this one involving a character we know nothing about named Rae Sloane, who apparently works for the Empire, and... well, she seems okay as a character.  Apparently she's a big deal later on in these new books that I haven't gotten around to yet... I dunno.  I mean, sure. Whatever.  

Sorry folks.  She's just never going to be as cool as Grand Admiral Thrawn.  Also, fun fact - where the heck did she come from?  In the first three movies, there weren't any women that were seen serving with the Empire.  Now don't start yelling at me.  This isn't a knock on women, because I'm sure there are plenty of very talented women that can take an organization of that caliber to the next level.  It's just that the Empire apparently has no use for women amongst their officer decks or elsewhere.  My evidence of this is as such:  watch the first three movies, Episodes IV-VI.

Of course, one could argue that this might be one of the primary reasons for its downfall, right?  The Empire is a bad organization, and they offer job opportunities to the wrong people.  Like Admiral Ozzel.  

The point is, suddenly the expanded universe novels are all about introducing female characters to the Empire, because girls can be villains too.  Fine, whatever.  So now I suppose we're supposed to imagine that in fact there were many, many female workers all over those star destroyers.  They just apparently ran and hid whenever George Lucas' camera panned by.

I'll just say this:  when they started the sequel movies, they eliminated the expanded universe material and made it "legends" so they could have a clean start.  Yes, I'll agree some things were pretty weird with the expanded universe.  But in an even shorter time, somehow the official canon has actually made things even weirder.

I think my rant is over.  And so is the day.  We said our prayers, and got to sleep at a good time.  It's Memorial Day tomorrow, the somewhat official starting weekend of the summer season.

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