Saturday, May 11, 2024

Back to the Gardens

 Maddie had Team Edge practice again this morning, and the practices are getting a bit longer as we get closer to the actual performances.  But the team is doing well.  The last run-through was fantastic.  We got home, and Mom has been doing her research in regards to her bone density issues.  One obvious direction we all wanted to take is more exercise.  I'm still on the treadmill each day, but today we decided to go for a walk. I suggested we walk at the Botanical Gardens in Gainesville, as we just renewed our yearly membership there.  And so that was that - we packed up and headed to the Botanical Gardens!  

There was a guest exhibit there, a collection of "bug-inspired" artwork created in colorful glass.  You'll see the insects of glass below, along with a hummingbird too.

The weather was actually perfect today.  Even in the sunlight, the cool breeze and temperature were just right for a walk through the gardens.

Maddie enjoyed it too.  She used the camera and spent the time there walking along the trail, enjoying the sights and snapping a lot of photos for her online account.  Here are just a few that she took this afternoon:

Not the bees!

I took a few pictures too.

It was a very pleasant afternoon.  They didn't have any of the local honey there, as it was bought up earlier.  There was actually a good crowd there at the gardens, which was nice to see.  The weather was just so perfect. 

Afterwards, we went over to a new barbecue place (to us, at least).  It was nearby, and it was okay.  Not our favorite.  But the atmosphere was everything you'd expect from that sort of place.  We enjoyed sitting down together for a meal, and then we were on the road again, heading home.

We had some work to do setting up for tomorrow at KidPak.  Also, there was some usual housework to do.  Our movie of the night was "Clash of the Titans," which I surprisingly have a lot of dialogue memorized from!  I saw this a lot as a kid.  Ammon's line, "Call no man happy who is not dead!" It sticks with me because my dad would playfully announce this from time to time around the house.

Anyway, we were off to bed after that.  Maddie was doing a bit of homework.  We were also doing a bit of Battlefront earlier on.  Tonight we read a short story "From a Certain Point of View," and after that, prayers.  The Plush Entourage was down the hall after that, ready for sleep.  Got to get up earlier tomorrow!

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