Sunday, July 16, 2023

KidPak At the Movies


We had another "At the Movies" day at the church, so our KidPak kids were out there at the wallpaper there, greeting with kids and posing for a whole lot of pictures with them.  Many parents were posting their pics of their kids with the KidPak characters between services, including our neighbors below:

It was a fun morning, of course.  An easy one too - we're doing movie messages as well.  Maddie took the camera afterwards and was taking pictures of the service once we got down the stairs.  It was a great morning at KidPak!

We returned to "Spies in Disguise" today, so we've done that one and "Sky High" so far, with "Trolls" and "Wonder" to go - we're returning to those as well.  After that, it's time to get to the new Star Wars series.  We'll see what's up with that as we get closer, but the messages are looking strong.

Getting home, Maddie and I picked up Chinese food, and we had a fairly big meal for lunch/dinner.  After that, we had caught yet another squirrel and we also had enough points for three ice creams so it was time for some "rednecking," where we head off to town to drop off the squirrel at the sanctuary, followed by a stop at the gas station to get some ice cream.  Those points have really paid off well for us!

We got back home and closed out the "At the Movies" day with a classic - "Forrest Gump."  Maddie hadn't seen this one yet, and now the whole Bubba Gump thing has a little context (we've been to the restaurant a few times with her).  Also, the many other quotes along the way - so many quotes from this movie, of course.  

The day ended with us reading, and praying too.  And falling asleep.  It'll be good to sleep in a bit tomorrow.

One more note:  today marks the fourteenth anniversary of this blog.  I've written about each day here in one way or another for fourteen years straight.  Over 5,000 different entries written as Maddie grows up.  It's something like a letter, something like a historical document, and something crazy.  It's occasionally been difficult to keep up with, but we've managed to keep it going.  I still don't know when to stop, but I'll keep writing as long as I can.  It's fun to look back and see when this happened or that, and remember things that I've forgotten about too.  Speaking of which, King Tut is coming back soon - that's the exhibit that pretty much inspired this blog.  I was lookin back at our pictures the first year of our lives with Maddie, and just reminiscing about all the things we've done together already, and Mom reminded me that we had gone to see the King Tutankhamun exhibit too.  I remember rolling Maddie in her stroller amongst the exhibit pieces as we looked around at all there was.  But they didn't allow pictures inside, and that's why it slipped my mind that we had gone in that year.  In my defense, it was an entire year, our first with Maddie, and we did a lot.  But still, I realized that many years from now I might forget this or that, so I decided to write about whatever we did that day.  Of course the other challenge from the blog was to make sure there was at least something interesting to talk about each day.  Some days are clearly better than others.  But overall, the ultimate purpose of this all was for Maddie to see a small glimpse into much of her early life, seeing things done for the first time, places visited, accomplishments, and hopefully many happy memories.  Most of all we hope it's been a love letter, something read later on and see how much we love her.

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