Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Blendin Blandin's Jingle Bell Visit


Blending Blandin paid a visit to Jingle Bell this morning, and thanks to his tape measure time machine device, the two were able to travel back quite a few years, visiting the first visit here to this house, and after that, one visit per year, all the way up to even yesterday!  Here's a closer look at this Gravity Falls character's visit to our happy elf, going back in time to the year 2012.  

This one was fun.  Today we had some cooler weather, and a few random acts of kindness that have suddenly popped up left and right for me.  Two days ago, I was giving a ride to a construction worker in the cold, he had to get all the way back to Gainesville, and it was frigid outside.  Each day, something like that has popped up lately - today's being a visit to a house on Little Mill to deliver a misdirected Amazon package.  We've got two different packages last night that were sent to our house instead of the right house.  Anyway, it's been a few days in a row with these weird events, so hopefully that's something that can continue.  Love doing stuff like that!

Madison had her small group session tonight, and she just loves that.  She's been coming to that since April, and so have these other girls - about ten of them are coming together to meet for the first time finally, coming to a Christmas party that Camille is pretty excited bout.  We are too.  The kids have been faithfully meeting in this small group meeting for so long, and it's such a small and intimate little group.  They play games together - Madison won today's game and will get a free prize in the mail (I've seen it!).  But there are games, and then the next part is the devotional part given by both Camille and one of our friends from KidPak named Lauren.  They both talk about the bottom line and scripture of the day, and then after that the kids each share what they learned, one by one talking to the others about the bottom lines of the days.  After closing prayer, the kids talk for a bit, just hanging out - sometimes it goes on an hour after the actual small group is technically over.  Because lately we've had piano, half of this is in her bedroom with the door shut.  The other half of her small group is in the car on the way to piano, sitting in the back of her car.  I get to listen in on that part, the radio down and quietly listening in.

Madison had her Live to Give club tonight, so I was going over to pick her up from that after school.  We went to piano shortly after eating, and she's doing well with Victor's Piano solo.  She did it a few times tonight, and though she's not entirely perfect in certain areas, it gets better each time she plays.  I love it.

She has done well in school, with an A on her recent Spanish unit test, and a perfect 100 on her science unit test.  She's studying radioactive elements, which is always a plus.  Maybe next week they can study Godzilla.

She's been helping other students too.  She does that in so many areas.  At taekwondo, she'll be a kind and patient helper for younger kids learning form and so on. She pulls back severely when sparring against someone of lower experience, not wanting to be so decisive.  She would not make a very good member of Cobra Kai:  "Strike fast.  Strike hard.  No mercy."  She's actually competitive, but also compassionate.  We're proud of her!

Tonight afterward class, she was working on a research paper about the stages of making a movie.  She's been enjoying the research phase of that, looking online for details about pre-production, post-production, and all the bits in between.  While she was doing that, the rest of us were actually watching a movie, another version of "A Christmas Carol" with Alistair Sim.  It's a really good version, pretty much the movie that set the standard for many years until now, where the market is just flooded with so many versions of the story.  He was a good actor though, and we all enjoyed watching together.

We were back in my happy place tonight, back in Narnia for "The Silver Chair," just before bedtime.  We were reading another chapter from that story, and saying our prayers.  

It's been a difficult up-and-down week with Nana, the extremes being a little more hard to get past.  But we're doing our best, despite it all.  We said our prayers, and got deep under the warm covers on a cold night, ready for a long winter's nap.

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