Monday, November 30, 2020

Cold November Rain


Doesn't this Christmas tree in the piano room look nice and cozy?  Just to the right, outside that window is a freezing cold place we call "outdoors."  The wind and temperatures came to visit last night, howling throughout the hours and reminding us thoroughly that there in fact four seasons each year, and guess which one is coming to stay for a while.  It was cold outside, and it was raining at first, a super cold sort of rain.  And then for a time, there were slight flurries.  That's enough to get everyone excited.  Forget the fact that there are no accumulations - just the sight of the white fluffy stuff gets everyone happy.  

Today we saw another Christmas tree, this one down in Alpharetta.  In the lobby of the building where we go to the dentist.  Mommy had to go there because a cap came off, and what started out as a simple procedure became the discovery of a cavity, and ... well, let's just say we're coming back.  Nana and I were out in the lobby, waiting under the tree there.  We'll see it again soon, I think.

On the way home, we stopped by a few places for shopping, but then we raced back home where it was nice and warm.  The weather is quite cold outside.  Mommy helped by cooking up some wonderful warm meals for us.  

Madison was doing Shakespeare in drama class today, and I've been waiting for this one for a while.  It's one of those things most of us hated reading, and of course the running joke about most of the plays he wrote is that everyone dies.  In honor of this reading, I have a Shakespearean version of "Star Wars" that I pulled out, and we were reading a few excerpts from that for laughs.

I was proofing today, and Nana was having a few breakdowns throughout the day.  We changed the subject a few times by going off to taekwondo again, where Madison had her leadership class.  Also, we saw "Babes in Toyland" tonight, the version with Annette and Tommy.  We saw the Laurel and Hardy version earlier.  We will not see the one with Keanu Reeves and Drew Barrymore.  Sorry.  That's a toss-up as to which is worse, the Star Wars Holiday special, or that Christmas movie.

We finished our book tonight about Walter the Miracle Christmas Dog, and everyone really enjoyed it.  Madison and Mommy were laughing at the end, and I'm not going to spoil anything here except to say that everyone liked this book.  We'll have to figure something else to read next!

We said our prayers, and along those lines, prayers for myself.  I have high blood pressure and it is concerning.  I've been taking medication, changing the diet, but things are still a bit off.  I'm hoping all of this, plus rest and walks will temper the symptoms, but they are not pleasant.  We said our prayers, and not long after that, all of us were asleep.

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