Monday, November 9, 2020

Star Wars Ornaments


Jango Fett is back, as are all the other Star Wars ornaments, this after I put up the Star Wars tree, the third of four trees to go up in the house.  The last one is Madison's tree, which will go in her room of course.  But this one turned out well as it always does, complete with a Death Star on the top, and of course all the other ornaments we've been collecting here or there throughout the years.

I'm not obsessive about collecting these, but we noticed I did have enough to do a tree with just that theme, so here we are each year, decorating a Star Wars tree.  Max Rebo and the band above are part of a mini-ornament set, which I never understood.  Why make miniature ornaments?  Are they for a miniature tree or something?  We have a few of these smaller ones, and they're all on the tree alongside the other ones as well.

And here's LaRone, a stormtrooper who is part of the Hand of Judgment.  He's always been just an ordinary stormtrooper ornament, one I picked up at an ornament exchange.  I really fought for this one and have treasured it ever since.  But since we've been reading these books, this stormtrooper has gone from generic bad guy to one of the main hero characters we've been reading about this season.  Tonight, we continued reading "Choices of One" before bed, following LaRone's adventures with his fellow troopers Quiller, Brightwater, Marcross, and Grave.  It's been a great read so far, one Madison is enjoying quite a bit.  And after that, she reads some more in her own bed, something she's been doing lately, going through her book series.  She's currently reading "Insurgent," which of course is followed by the book "Detergent."

Anyway, tonight we were watching a few movies.  Madison was at taekwondo leadership, swinging her sword around and showing in a demonstration how to properly do that.  The teacher called her out and had her show everyone the right way to do it.  She was actually doing very well with the sword tonight, and she actually thought it might be fun to be Mara Jade one year for Halloween, complete with a red lightsaber.  

We got home and Mom and Nana were watching "The Lemondrop Kid," and after that we all watched "Christmas with the Kranks" with some popcorn and drinks.  It's been great watching these Christmas movies there with the Christmas tree illuminating the room.  All the feels.

Madison had science today, or at least a break from it so she could go outside.  She had Spanish, and is getting ready to start covering "ar" verbs in that class, while still reading short stories in her English Language Arts class.  She got home, and we sat for dinner together.  Madison had spaghetti, while the rest of us had this delicious fish that Mommy cooked up.

It was a pleasant day outside, and a relaxing one inside.  We got a few things done, putting up framed pictures in the great room, those pictures of Madison with Santa over the years.  Not sure how they'll deal with that this year.  Of course we were playing all kinds of Christmas music too, hoping that we could create a cheerier atmosphere for Nana.  She still had it rough today, overwhelmed frequently with grief and sadness.  It comes and goes, but when it's there, it's tough.

We said our prayers tonight, praying for her, praying for our country, and praying for healing.

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