Friday, August 14, 2020


We were working outside a bit today while Madison was in school.  Not much work, but out there enough to see our Black-eyed Susans had a special visitor.  This goldfinch has built a nest in the Bradford tree in our front yard, and we can hear the baby chicks calling out for something to munch on.  Down below, there's a buffet in the form of seeds from these flowers, somewhat like sunflower seeds.  The bird is so light it can perch itself upon one of these flowers, and collect what she needs, just like a trip to the convenience store!  I took this picture from inside, probably about six feet away, and she either didn't see me, or didn't care.  Either way, the photo came out nice with the flowers and the beautiful golden bird there.

Random fun fact:  the goldfinch is the state bird of New Jersey.  We posted this picture online, and some friends from Iowa called out that it is also the state bird of Iowa.  I looked it up and sure enough, it's also the state bird of Washington state.  Technically, the Washington goldfinch is a "willow goldfinch," while the Iowa and New Jersey state birds are "eastern goldfinches."  But the online source of knowledge here that knows all things and tells us what to think doesn't actually bother to show different pictures to show any difference in any of these goldfinches, so I guess that means they're really pretty much the same bird, just living in different areas.

STILL, something's got to give.  I say this because further research has uncovered that the cardinal is the state bird of seven different states.  They all have the same state bird.  And six states have the western meadowlark as their state bird.  

State congresspeople are paid money to think creatively.  Why the heck do we have seven states with the same state bird?  What's the point?

So, looking back in time here, I found out which state called the goldfinch as their state bird first.  That was Iowa.  So Iowa gets it.  But New Jersey congresspeople decided to copy Iowa and claim it as their state bird.  Why not pick something different?  There's plenty of birds out there.  The only bird I remember from New Jersey were seagulls.  They were everywhere inland to the shores, and just as Nigel says from "Finding Nemo," they are "rats with wings."  So, from a certain point of view, it's a fairly appropriate bird for New Jersey.  But being kinder, why not a downy woodpecker.  It took me five seconds to look up "birds" and "New Jersey," and then the list of state birds.  Woodpeckers are not on the list, so there's a pretty choice.  Or how about a cedar waxwing?  That's a nice looking bird that lives in New Jersey, and no one else has picked that.  Why not go with that one?  I think the New Jersey legislators were being lazy.

I mean, it shouldn't have been to hard to check to see if anyone else picked the goldfinch already.  But instead, New Jersey decides to copy Iowa and pick their bird.  And Washington's state legislature does the same thing, even though there are plenty of unique birds out there.

And don't get me started about everybody picking a cardinal.  Illinois called it first.  Then a line of states all the way to North Carolina copies Illinois to the point that it's ridiculous.  Why even have a state bird when you have six other states with the same exact bird?  This is what is wrong with government! 

I'm exaggerating, of course.  Some time ago, the US Postal Service issued stamps of the state birds, and yes, I have them all.  I have collector post cards of them too.  And seven of the states have cardinals on them.  I can imagine the artist, by the time he gets to state #7, trying to figure out a new and unique angle to draw a cardinal. 

CHANGING THE SUBJECT, here's something really nice that happened today. 

It was Nana's birthday!  We went over, and celebrated with my sister and her family, giving gifts, and yes, there's the cake there too.  

We sang "Happy Birthday" and handed her some of the gifts we got her.  Mommy made some fried green tomatoes, using green tomatoes from our garden.  And we got her some pottery from that place in Dollywood that we recently visited - also some jam that Mommy made using the peaches from Jaemor Farms.

One thing that Nana got was a violin that was picked up from a yard sale not long ago.  Nana doesn't play - yet - but that didn't stop her from trying it out.  And it didn't stop Madison from giving it a try as well.

She likes the violin, and might want to try that out.  It'll be like we live in 221b Baker Street for a while, the sounds of someone practicing the violin filling the house.  I'm not sure what that would be like, but she's interested in giving it a try, so we'll see!

We sat down to eat a little, and we sat down to talk a lot, reminiscing about a lot of things.  But one new item that the grandparents got was a ping-pong table, so we had to give that a try.

Everyone went to the garage to play a few games, and this lasted for quite some time, as we cycled through the whole family, each one of us giving it a go.

Even Madison was there to try it out, and though she may have been a little rusty to begin with, she certainly got the hang of it, as did all of us.  It was fun!

It was a very nice evening though, as it always is.  This picture is somewhat sad though.  You can see one of the last photos of Nana and Ye-Ye with Asaph, who has been with the family about as long as Madison had been.  It costs so much to keep him alive each month, so much that Ye-Ye is going out to get a job soon to pay off the debt.  This is to pay for the shots he's been getting.  But recent news of a tumor was just crushing.  Tonight we dropped by to say goodbye as well.

It was a nice evening, and Madison had a much better day at school.  She had her first Spanish class, and from this point on, she has a new Spanish name for class.  She got to pick from a list of Spanish names, and sure enough, there was the name Elena there.

So Madison is now Elena.  We must call her that now, from this point on, as it is the name she has chosen!  The reason for the picture above is the reason she chose the name Elena.  She wanted to give herself the same name as Elena Rodriguez, otherwise known as Yo-Yo.  This is her Spanish name from this point on, and another reminder of the influence of this show as of late.  We'll continue soon, watching old episodes from season five as we re-watch the entire series, so we'll see Yo-Yo again soon.

This is a picture of a garden in Ye-Ye's yard, taken just before tonight's gathering.  It was a nice day today, ended with another reading about the 501st from Star Wars, plus our devotional.  Then prayers, throwing plush animals, and tucking in.  It was a nice day today, and hopefully the beginning of a rhythm that we can all get back into with school and so forth.

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