Okay, campers, rise and shine, and don't forget your booties 'cause it's cooooold out there today! Is anyone ready for spring? For behold, a new thing is on the way! That’s right, God is always there with you, ready to take you into the next season. Now don’t you worry, because there’s no shadow of turning with Him. You’re better together with the Lord. In fact, your future looks so bright, you’ll have to wear shades!
Some time ago, there was a guy named Abram who discovered this for himself. You see, he too was heading into a new season! His whole life was about to change. Even his very name would change from Abram to Abraham. That’s right, one day God called on him to step out in faith, and Abraham had a choice to make: stay where he was, or step out in faith and follow God? He and his wife Sarah knew the answer to that one: they were better together with the Lord.
And that’s where their real adventures started! Your adventure is waiting too, of course. God wants to be your friend, and just like with Abraham and Sarah, He’s got great plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. He’s got plenty of promises for you, as numerous as the stars in the sky or the grains of sand on the shoreline. He’s a friend that sticks closer than a brother, with a love for you that impossible to measure.
Are you ready to step out in faith? It’s easy to do. Like Abraham and Sarah, just put one foot in front of the other, and start that walk of faith. Trust the Lord with all your heart. Talk with Him in prayer, and read His Word. Draw close to God, and He’ll draw closer to you, because God really wants to be your friend!
KidPak Adventures
Groundhog Day
1. Clipboards
2. Lab Jackets
3. Groundhog puppet
4. Walkie-Talkie
5. Walking Stick
CUE TRACK: 1 Phil Steals the Money
DAWN, BRIELLE and MEGAN stand at STAGE LEFT, talking, pointing at clipboards they are holding and discussing statistics on these clipboards.
CAMILLE: “Come on guys. I want to show you something.”
NIA: “What is this place?”
CAMILLE: “Remember how you were talking about being in this season where things just seemed dark and hopeless?”
NIA: “Yeah?”
CAMILLE: “Well get ready for a big change.”
VICTORIA: “It looks like a science lab here.”
JEREMIAH: “Or the insides of a video game.”
CAMILLE: “We’re moving to a new season, and I wanted to prove it to you.”
CUE SLIDE: “GROUNDHOG AGENCY (acronym on screen)”
EMMA and WYATT enter CENTER STAGE. WYATT is holding a stick.
EMMA: “Yes, here. Hello friends, and welcome to the (reading from screen) Geoclimate Research Observation Understanding Nature and Development of Habitat Occurrences with Groundhog Studies.”
VICTORIA: “Wow! Do you know what this means?”
JEREMIAH: “Someone really wanted to spell groundhogs?”
CUE SLIDE: “GROUNDHOG AGENCY with letters highlighted”
EMMA: (seeing the words on the screen) “Whoa. You’re right. All that does spell ‘groundhogs!’ Wow. Ya know, I never noticed that before!”
WYATT laughs really loud here, a little too long as CAST looks on, somewhat stunned.
WYATT quickly recovers and returns to his professional demeanor.
NIA: “Seriously? What is this place?”
CAMILLE: “Don’t worry, Nia. This is going to be a valuable day for you. You might even learn some things here.”
EMMA: “That’s right. Do you want to see your parents hard tax dollars at work? Well, no worries.”
MEGAN: (approaching) “Just a few years ago, the government invested twenty-two point two billion dollars in creating this federal agency designed to study the effects of groundhogs and the weather.”
JEREMIAH: “But there is no connection between the groundhog and the weather.”
CAST gasps loudly.
BRIELLE: “Who on earth said that?”
CAST points at JEREMIAH, who looks super confused.
CAST: (almost a chant) “Non-believer!”
DAWN: (mocking) “Apparently we have a nonbeliever!”
JEREMIAH: “Nonbeliever? Are you trying to tell me that – ”
CUE TRACK: 1 Phil Steals the Money
MEGAN: (interrupting, gesturing at clipboard) “Never argue with the data! Each February 2nd, we track the groundhog predictions for a new and brighter season.”
VICTORIA: “And what are the results?”
DAWN: “We don’t know yet. But we do know this: groundhogs are pretty cute little guys! (talking into a walkie-talkie) Bring out Chuck.”
VICTORIA: “What’s going on? How is this supposed to help me?”
CAMILLE: “You’ll see.”
DANIEL enters CENTER STAGE. DANIEL has a groundhog puppet named CHUCK.
MEGAN: “Meet Chuck.”
NIA: “That’s a groundhog.”
EMMA: “Yes, and here at the Center we’re focused on the groundhog’s message to all of us.”
VICTORIA: “Okay? So how do you actually hear the groundhog’s message?”
BRIELLE: “By holding a stick.”
WYATT presents the stick to audience theatrically.
JEREMIAH: “You’re kidding.”
MEGAN: “Nope. Anyone holding that stick can hear his message of hope and joy for a new season. It allows you to speak groundhog-eese.”
DANIEL gestures to MEGAN, EMMA, and DAWN.
DAWN: (pointing) “Hold on, I think Chuck wants to say something to everyone!”
WYATT hands stick to EMMA.
EMMA, holding stick, leans over to listen to CHUCK the GROUNDHOG.
EMMA: “Yes! We have great news! (to audience) KidPak, do you want to hear it?”
Let audience replay
EMMA has a whispering conversation with CHUCK the GROUNDHOG.
EMMA: “He says no shadow!”
DAWN: “Spring is on the way!”
CAST rejoices!
JEREMIAH: “This is ridiculous. Just because you’re holding a stick doesn’t mean you can hear a useless groundhog!”
BRIELLE: “Wait. What did you call him?”
JEREMIAH: “A useless groundhog!”
BRIELLE: (challenging) “Say it to his face.”
JEREMIAH: “Okay. (leaning down, talking to groundhog) He’s a useless groundhog!”
GROUNDHOG lunges up at JEREMIAH and attaches to his face. JEREMIAH holds puppet to his face, screaming and running around STAGE for a few laps, as others give chase and try to help.
JEREMIAH: “Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!”
JEREMIAH runs off STAGE RIGHT. DANIEL quickly follows.
NIA: “What is going on here?”
VICTORIA: “What is this all about, Camille?”
CUE TRACK: 2 A New Day
CAMILLE: “Girls, there are two different types of voices in your life. One voice says it will stay winter in your life. Yeah, some will tell you that you’re never going anywhere.”
EMMA: “Then there are others like Chuck, who tell you a new season is on the way.”
MEGAN: “That’s right. Things are about to get a lot brighter for you.”
DAWN: “Remember Abraham? He stepped out in faith, and trusted God. When you trust in the Lord, you’ll see discover that you and He are …better together!”
NIA: “You know something? I think you’re right.”
VICTORIA: “Spring is on the way!”
CAMILLE: “That’s right. Now if we could just get Jeremiah to believe…”
JEREMIAH: (entering, frantic, looking back) “I believe, I believe!”
DANIEL walks in with CHUCK the GROUNDHOG
MEGAN: “Good, Jeremiah. I think you learned your lesson.”
CUE TRACK: 3 Clouds
EMMA: “Hold this stick, because there’s one more thing Chuck wants to say.”
EMMA hands stick to JEREMIAH, who then leans in towards CHUCK.
JEREMIAH: (excited) “You’re right! He’s talking to me!”
VICTORIA and NIA: “What’s he saying?”
JEREMIAH: “Let’s go celebrate Groundhog Day with some doughnuts!”
CAST cheers
CAST: (to audience) “Happy Groundhog Day!”
CAST waves, and walks off together as lights fade.